Monday, 30 September 2013

Advert Break A la Greek

As much as advertising has become a part of people's lives, it is safe to say that it's repetitive in terms of content and overall theme. Everyone knows to go about the passion/sex route, because in today's world that's what works and that's what's going to drive a product to its success. This is why when an advert like TOTAL's Greek Yoghurt, that differentiates from the rest comes on TV, its more likely to capture someone's attention. It's different, it's unique and... it's in a different language! Cross cultural marketing is the next upcoming theme. 

Coming from a Greek background myself, it is great to see an advert like this particular one on TV. Fage went about this sticking to the roots and embracing the culture and history of the product. What I like most about this advert is the abandonment of the HD graphics. Everyone has become so numb towards regular television, that anything below HD nowadays is "unacceptable", especially to the younger generation, which HD is all they are used to. Fage did an amazing job in coming up with a creative idea that differentiated the advert to not only their competitors but advertising on TV in general. It's an advert that can easily be noticed, just by being so different. 

Living in such a diverse society nowadays, embracing cross cultural marketing is a smart way to promote products, expanding to a wider audience. Once in a while it's good to break away from the status quo, especially in the competitive communications world that we're living in these days.