Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Will iOS7 change Apple as we know it?

After a long think, I have chosen to make this blog about brands that are personal to me, that I hold close in my heart; brands that define me. This way, through my blog posts you can form in your heads a rough image of me.

Today's post is about Apple. Apple is one of the most amazingly innovative brands to me. It's different, it's catchy and, as much as some try to deny it, it's damn cool. I am comfortable to say that by now, I am familiar with Apple. I know their products and I know how to use them. Now... Here is something that has a big question mark for me. The latest software called iOS7.

By now it's old news that Apple have introduced their iOS7 software, which will be available later this year.

Taking a look at the design of iOS7, it had me a little outside my comfort zone. It's a design that will change the look of an iPhone/iPad/iPod display as we know it. Of course, it is needless to say that it's a brilliant design, sticking to the roots but also looks different. The question that popped in my head was; is Apple bringing out this new exciting software because it has reached the peak of it's innovative devices? Is Apple struggling with the absence of Steve Jobs?

I know for a fact that I will be one of the first consumers to give into the temptation of trying iOS7 out. I just hope that for the company's sake, it will work as well as they have presented it to do so. I am sure that as different as it looks, people will get used to it in no time. It's just that sometimes it's nice to stick to the originals... But in this time and era, technology is moving way too quick for anyone to be getting used to what they know.

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